Mobile TV


Accidentally I installed the application in my Phone memory...

Accidentally I installed the application in my Phone memory, how do I move it to my Mobile Memory Card?

If you have already installed MiMobi TV, follow the installation instructions. It will ask you to install in phone memory or Mobile Memory Card. Then choose Mobile Memory Card. It will replace the MiMobi TV from phone memory to Mobile Memory Card.

I had already installed the application, but when I click on the MIMOBI TV link..

I had already installed the application, but when I click on the MIMOBI TV link, it does not open, nothing happens. What shall I do now?

Switch off your mobile and then restart it again

When trying to install the MIMOBI TV Application, it shows not enough memory...

When trying to install the MIMOBI TV Application, it shows not enough memory, what should I do?

Please delete some other data from your Memory Card and reinstall the application. MIMOBI TV would require a minimum of 2MB free space to install and work.

I got a message saying reinstall the application, but when I try to reinstall the MIMOBI TV...

I got a message saying reinstall the application, but when I try to reinstall the MIMOBI TV I get some message?

Some MIMOBI TV applications files are deleted from your device. So, you have to freshly download the MIMOBI TV application and install it.

I have installed the application, but after downloading it shows some junk data?

It might be possible that MIMOBI TV is not supported on your device. Check the supported devices list available at and confirm. If the device is supported, then please raise a case with

I have installed the Application and the website says that my Phone Model...

I have installed the Application and the website says that my Phone Model is supported, but still the application is not opening after installation?

Please try to reinstall the application once again and try to invoke the application. If still facing the same problem, call the customer care at 09400024365.

How do I register for MIMOBI TV?

Download and Install MIMOBI TV Application. Open MIMOBI TV Application in your phone Applications Folder. Available Channels will be displayed. Click on any Channel, Available Packages will be displayed and select the Package you want to Register for

I have a prepaid connection. Can I activate MIMOBI TV?

Yes, you can activate MIMOBI TV provided you have enough balance to get registered with it.

In case of prepaid can I activate monthly plan?

Monthly Plan can be activated for prepaid customers also but you can get registered with it only if you have enough balance to access it.

What is the access point I need to choose to Install and use MIMOBI TV?

MIMOBI TV accessing is not dependent on access point. You just need to have model that MIMOBI TV supports.