Voice VPN
Yes, VPN Service allows the company users of a given VPN group to mark their calls according to business so that subscribing companies receive a bill, which details the cost of communication according to the company activities and the company organization. You should request for this facility at the time of registration.
Yes, call forwarding feature is provided in VPN Service. Calls coming to one VPN number i.e. pnp can be forwarded to another pnp.
Non-VPN calls can be made by directly dialing the destination number i.e. dialing the destination number by prefixing STD Code/ 95/ or local number. These calls are billed by local exchange against the local number as per prevailing tariff and indicated in the local telephone bill in the normal way.
Yes, a dual invoicing ability is there which can be used to bill calls made by a given company member either on the corporate account or on the VPN member personal account.
Date & Time Screening The calls can be routed to a particular destination number or announcement depending on date and time at which call are made. b.Hunting List A series of numbers may be defined in hunting list for incoming calls per pnp so that call comes to first number and in case of busy/ no reply it goes to next number in hunting list.Maximum 10 such numbers can be provided in hunting list. c.Preferred External Destination (PED) - If there exists a number, which is not a part of VPN Network but is frequently called then it can be defined as PED in the network at a particular site viz. number of food outlet at a local site. It will make the dialing of such frequently dialed numbers very easy.
Short Code are defined at company level and Preferred External Destination are defined at site level charging for both type of calls is different from VPN Calls. Normal tariff is charged for these type of calls. Therefore short code is like PED which is common to all sites.
Presently there are two types of VPNs Circle VPN The VPN group constitutes telephone numbers of one circle only. All India VPN - VPN group constitutes of telephone numbers across the country
The number of rest of the digits of PNP may vary as per the size of the individual VPN group.
1801-180-pnp for customers created from Lucknow SCP
1801-345-pnp for customers created from Kolkata SCP
1801-233-pnp for customers created from Amedabad SCP
1801-425-pnp for customers created from Bangalore SCP
#(new) pnp
Yes, the Voice VPN facility can be extended to offices having fixed line numbers of MTNL Delhi and Mumbai also. The dialing procedure is same as for BSNL numbers.