Leased Tariff

Ticker Connection

The Rental for Ticker Connection shall be same as that of a 50 Bauds Telegraph Circuits (Non-Press). Press do not enjoy any concessions as the Ticker Connections are exclusively provided for the Press.


Circuits in Telegraph Network

(On SFT/Message switching equipment/message concentrated etc.) As for voice band data circuits as given above at (D)
Additional Charges on SFT/Message switching equipment/message concentrator etc. for the Tele-printer networks
Up to an equipped capacity of 16 extensions Rs. 10,000 p.a.
More than 16 extensions Rs. 10,000 + Rs. 5,000 p.a per additional extension or part thereof

Private Wires/Non Exchange Lines/Local Circuits (for both voice and Data Transmission)

Same rate as applicable for 64 kbps High speed data circuits as per 1(A) except for less than 5 kms. The rates for less than 5 kms will be @ Rs. 5000/- per km/p.a./per pair. The fraction of CD km will be rounded to next higher.

Misc. Charges for Telegraph/Tele-printer/Telephone Circuits

Reconnection Charges
Within a period of 7 days from the date of disconnection Rs. 30
In all other cases Rs. 60
Installation Charges
Hand Micro Telephone Instrument Provided at either end Rs. 150 per instrument
Speech Circuits and T/P Circuits
Installation Charge Rs. 200 for each end
Shifting Charge Rs. 200 for each end
The tariff for interconnection between Public Data Network and Private Data Network through leased lines will be as under
Volume Charges Rs. 100 per kseg without any concession
Access Charges: For PSTN/Telex to Private Data Network Access Charges: For PSTN/Telex to Private Data Network
Access Charges: For PSTN/Telex to Private Data Network TELEX
Rs. 15,000 p.a. per DEL Rs. 25,000 p.a. per DEL
License Fee for Network is waived off w.e.f. 05.11.2004 For new cases - w.e.f. 05-11-2004
For existing cases - from next billing cycle